
Thursday 14 November 2013

Porqué puede ser interesante prestarle atención a "Teoría de Control" en la Universidad

Why could be interesting paying attention to "Theory of Control" at the University

Si me hubieran mostrado este video antes de cursar "Teoria de Control" en la facu, seguramente que le hubiera presetado 100 veces mas atención que la que le presté... lo único que me acuerdo es que el libro era de tapa azul, y que había mucho Lagrange por ahí (Ingeniería de Control Moderna, Katsuhiko Ogata).

If I would have been invited to see this video before taking "Theory of Control" at the University, I'm sure that I was going to pay 100 times more attention that what I did... the only thing that I remember is that we used a blue book, and that there was a lot of lagrange in there (Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata).

El video tras el salto / The video inside...

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters