
Saturday 31 March 2012

Mi primera computadora - Commodore 64C

Mi first computer - A Drean Commodore 64C

Corría el año '88 (o era el '89?) y por aquel entonces vivíamos en Buenos Aires. Lo normal en esa época para un pibe de 10 años era estar en la plaza del barrio jugando a la pelota, pero se ve que yo no era muy normal y aunque salía mucho e incluso de vez en cuando jugaba al fútbol, también hacía muchas cosas en el tallercito que mi viejo tenía en la terraza de casa.
It was the '88 (or was '89?) and in that moment we used to live in Buenos Aires. The most common thing for a 10-years-old kid was to be in the park of the neighborhood playing soccer, but it seems that I was no very normal, and even though I was out almost everyday, sometimes also to play football, I was normally doing things in the small workshop that my father had in the terrace of our house.

Un día visité a mi buen amigo Damián y me lo encontré con una compu, la Commodore 64. Evidentemente lo primero que uno hacía era ponerse a jugar (con 34 años lo sigo haciendo), pero no fue amor a primera vista. Sin embargo, mi vieja, que había trabajado con computadoras en los '70, se le ocurrió decirme que me iba a comprar una... Ahí me puse como un pesado hasta que la compró. Y lo que no fué amor a primera vista pasó a ser una especie de relación de toda la vida con las compus.
One day I visited my friend Damián and I found him with a computer, the Commodore 64. Of course, the first thing that a kid did was to start playing games (I'm 34 and I'm still doing that!), but it was not love at first sight. Nevertheless, my mother, who had worked with computers in the 70s, said that she was going to buy me one... and after that I started to insist being really annoying until she bought it. And what wasn't love at first sight became a long-term relationship with computers.

Ese primer engendro era una Drean Commodore 64C, igualita a la que se ve en la foto.
That first monster was a Drean Commodore 64C, the same that you can see in the picture.

La Drean Commodore 64C no era otra cosa que una Commodore 64C fabricada bajo licencia por Drean en Argentina. A su vez, la 64C era una evolución de la 64. Pero para mas datos existe Wikipedia...
The Drean Commodore 64C was just a Commodore 64C manufactured with license in Argentina by the company Drean. It was an evolution of the 64. You can find further data in Wikipedia...

Se convirtió en mi iniciador en el mundo de las computadoras y en una especie de vicio, porque no solo le dedicábamos horas jugando (toda la familia) sino que también me ponía a hacer mis programas en BASIC... Como en esos momentos tener una compu no era barato, y mucho menos sus periféricos, había que conformarse con el famoso Datassette (aunque el sueño de todos los pibes del barrio fuese la diskettera 1541).
It became my starter in the world of computers and in a kind of vicious, because we spent a lot of hours playing with games (the whole family) but also doing my first BASIC programs. As in those moments to have a computer was not for everybody (it was really expensive), of course it was more difficult to have some of the peripherals, and we needed to conform with the Datassette (however, the dream of everybody in the neighborhood was the 1541 disk-drive).

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